The Pros and Cons of Internet Streaming Devices
by EscapeVelocity (originally published March 6, 2011 on DTVUSAforum)
Internet streaming of video has gone mainstream, and you want to get in on the action, but with so many devices out there to choose from which one is right for you? This guide seeks to bring you information to help make good decisions.
To begin your journey, one should take stock in what one has at his or her disposal that may already have internet connectivity and streaming functionality. Sony Playstation3 and XBox 360 are widely owned game consoles that have quite a bit of internet streaming capability, and laptops are easy starting places to hook up a modem and provide video to your television. The lessons that you learn from using these devices will help you make good decisions on future purchases. That being said, we will discuss individual boxes and general categories of devices below, their pros and cons, and their features and limitations, which will help you make good purchasing decisions with regards to this new technology.