"Some day TV will be invented, and it will be FREE! And then it will cost money..." ~ Homer Simpson |
Pay TV: Change or die.
It doesn't matter what the traditional multi-channel providers (aka "pay TV") do to protect their turf. Eventually the pay TV "package concept" where you have to pay for 150 channels that you
don't want, just to get the 5 channels you
do want, will fail.
Gradually, viewers are moving away from traditionally distributed pay TV to other sources. As the customer base erodes and income from traditional sources drops, content creators will seek out whatever method of distribution provides them income. The longer Pay TV providers continue bury their heads in the sand, the worse their odds of survival become.
For years pay TV customers have wished for, begged for, pleaded with their pay TV providers for one thing:
Ala Carte. The choice to pay for
just those networks that they want, and nothing more. And pay TV providers respond by doing as they always have. By turning a deaf ear.
Pay TV has managed to get away with this since cable TV came into being, because customers have had little or no choice. You either pay the cable monopoly in your city for TV, or if you can have a satellite dish, you can choose from two other providers*.
*Fine Print: Satellite TV requires a 2-year commitment.
They like it that way. And they will do whatever it takes to preserve the status quo. There has always been little or no competition among pay TV providers. Until now.